Seeds to sow in Spring - Sow Good Seeds

Spring is an exciting, and busy, time in the garden. With dreams of freshly picked summer salads, lets sow good seeds this spring! (You can check your Climate Zone here)


Start sowing Carrots, Beetroot, Lettuce, Rocket, Radish and Kale either in trays or direct into soil. If you are able to start seeds indoors to protect from frost you should start Tomato, Capsicum, Chilli, Eggplant, Pumpkin, Watermelon and Herbs.

Sub Tropical

While you can follow all the recommendations for Temperate regions, you can also sow Beans direct, and start Zucchini, Mustard greens and Spring Onions


You can do all of the above and not have to worry about starting seeds inside! Its time for you to sow your Corn too.